Friday, July 13, 2018

I Want To See All My Girls There!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         I plan to attend this event; I feel obligated to, being on the periphery of the theater community, as I am.

                           Two people I hope are not seen there, are Walter Bobbie and Leslie Stifelman.  Now,  maybe they will be under obligation to attend by their producers, but I am telling you, they better not show their faces too conspicuously, or else mob mentality could triumph, and they could be stoned to death, like Tessie Hutchinson, at the end of Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery."

                            It's not like they don't deserve it.

                            I am anxious to hear who speaks, and what they say.  I hope Jeff's family comes to Manhattan to attend this event.  And I hope it begins a healing process for not only the "Chicago" company, but the theater community.

                             Bullying is bad, no matter where it takes place. And it can take place anywhere.

                              I hope the Memorial is healing and helpful for all of us.

                              And provides closure for Jeff's friends and family!

                              But, like Marcia Kramer, I am STILL looking for answers, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               See you on the 7tth, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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