Thursday, July 26, 2018

If This Photo Were A Grant Wood Painting, It Would Be Titled "American White Trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             The whole thing is perfectly White Trash, darlings, because it happened at some sleazy motel in Wrightstown, New Jersey, where these two losers, William Herring, 42, and Brianna Brochhausen, 22, suffocated their four month old son, Hunter, on Valentine's Day, of this year.

                             Needless to say, they are joint winners, this week of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, and that Brianna looks more than 22.  She is a REAL tramp, hons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Hunter was taken to a nearby hospital, but died on March 3, of suffocation.  His death was pronounced a homicide, and these two bitches are the scum who did it.  I hope they are locked away for Life, and tortured, because when the other inmates find these two are guilty of child murder--not just a child, but baby!!!!!!!!!!-- they will deservedly be torn to pieces.

                               If "Psycho" did not demonstrate, one cannot trust sleazy one horse motels, this story certainly does.  When you get out of the cities, you find America is virtually a nation of sleaze motels, with losers of all sorts hanging on for dear life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                That may be fine for some.  And, there, but for the grace of God, go I.

                                 But it is time for these two to let go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Good riddance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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