Saturday, July 7, 2018

This Photo Is Emblematic Of Fifties Spinsterhood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            This is a shot from the 1954 classic, "THEM!," and if ever there was a metaphor for spinsterhood, it is this.

                              Joan Weldon played the role.  Now, she was no bombshell, like Mara Corday or Allison Hayes, but I have seen shots, showing she could look better than this.

                                Here she plays Dr. Patricia Medford, spinster daughter of Dr. Harold Medford, played by Edmund Gwenn, (yes, darlings, the 1947 Oscar winner from "Miracle On 34th Street!") and she is a real Daddy's girl.  Of course, I am not talking anything here but  spinsterly devotion.  She is all science, like Daddy taught her.  Romance is not a concept she embraces.

                               She is pretty clueless for someone who took AP Biology!  Going to the desert in a two piece suit, goggles that look like spinster glasses, a hat worn in church, and flats?  At least I hope they are flats!  Heels would be killing.

                                And, of course, no sense of design!  I am sure this hot, uncomfortable outfit came off the rack, at the local Woolworth's!  Daddy must have more money than that, but a spinster does not know how to spend!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 This is not the way one should dress within the dessert.  But Patricia is so repressed, she does not know any thing.  Like how to get a man!

                                  That is why "THEM!," or, at least one, thereof, is attracted to her; men like a challenge, and what could be more challenging than a sexually repressed spinster?????????

                                    Not that I expect Patricia to be hot for "THEM!"  But, hey "THEM!", at least this one, is a man, albeit from a different species, so he is hot to trot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The movie is classic, darlings, but I am telling you, this moment is really CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It will take more than RAID to stop "THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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