Sunday, July 1, 2018

Welcome To The Second Half Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          It is a new month, darlings, and is hot and scorch outside, so, much as I would to stay in here, curled up with my Jane Austen, we are going to venture to BAM and see the Mister Rogers documentary.  It will be cool in there. And, since we are already so close, there is absolutely NO way I can NOT follow that up with a visit to Greenlight Books.  And who knows what I may find???

                         Yes, girls, it is July, when we have the 4th, the peak of Summer, and other things to look forward to.  I still have not resolved my Tilt- A-Whirl dilemma, but if I do, believe me, you will get a full report. Unless I barf, in which case I will not get too graphic.

                          Moisturize and hydrate today, dolls!  Especially, if venturing out, you cannot afford to look less than your best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           A happy and healthy July, to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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