Friday, July 20, 2018

Well, Finally An Answer, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I finally got an answer to what is going on with me.  I have prostatitis.  I last had an attack in 1992, and let me tell you the feelings are different this time.  Maybe because I am so much older, maybe because I can bare more.  I have to say the anxiety over not knowing was making me loony, and, in, some ways, is worse than the illness.

                              This applies only to guys, but, girls, let me give you an idea.  Take a bad day on which you suffer from a urinary tract infection, and that is a pretty good idea.

                               The good thing is I can urinate.  When the prostate is enlarged that cannot be done.  My David has gone through that, and I pray I am spared that.

                               So, I am watching what I eat, taking my meds.  Let's see if there is a difference by Sunday.

                                Wish me well, darlings!   Getting old can be a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But then what is the alternative????????????????????


  1. So glad to hear you got an answer so quickly, and that its a (relatively) benign issue!

    Unpleasant to be sure: you may remember my flareup a couple years back at one of your famous soirees, where I ran back and forth to the baño so many times everyone thought I was a secret coke fiend.

    But its worst at first, then stabilizes fairly quickly (usually a week or so), then disappears unless you do something irritable re foods or what have you. The temporary meds should rid you of it for a long spell, possibly 20 years again.

    Hope you feel your full true self again soon!


  2. I am watching myself carefully.
    No chocolate or caffeine. I may go
    on decaf coffee now, because it was
    so unpleasant. Don't have my
    appeitie back quite yet, but I
    have lost some weight, don't want
    to gain it all back.

    Thanks for reassurance. I remember
    that time when you were here.
