Thursday, August 30, 2018

"Better Coffee A Millionaire's Money Can't Buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ever since I was a child, darlings, I loved the radio and TV commercials for Chock Full O'Nuts Coffee, with Paige Morton Black, singing its praises.  There was a brief time, when I wanted to be Paige; she was so Fifties, and I loved, as my idea  of the Fifties then was, the idea of an era devoted to proper dress, and drinking coffee.

Once I became a coffee drinker, I became a confirmed Maxwell House user. because, after all, it really was good to the last drop, and who could forget Margaret Hamilton, as Cora, advertising it, during the Seventies?  They even aired a Cora commercial during one of the annual broadcasts of "The Wizard Of Oz."  How brilliant was that?????????

I always swore I would never drink decaff, because doing so would turn me into a bitch!  But, once I recovered from my recent bout of prostatitis, I was determined not to have to face that again!  And so, I switched to decaf!  The surprise was I had no trouble with the transition. I can tell it is decaf, because the kick is missing, but I do enjoy the taste of hot coffee!  Which is the main reason I drink it, especially in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The other surprise, much to my dismay, is that while Maxwell House does make a decaf coffee, it is hard to find, either in the regular size, or large size cans.  But Chock Full O'Nuts large size decaff seems more available in places we shop, and the more I drink it, the more convinced I am it is "The Heavenly Coffee."  It makes me feel just a little like Paige Morton Black!

So, here I enter a new era--decaf, and Chock Full O' Nuts!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, as in all things, when the time is right, you know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Does it still say "No Nuts" on the back of the can?
    So glad you didn't have to suffer through withdrawal headaches!!


  2. Victoria,

    Yes, it does! I was not
    aware of that before, having
    never used it. I think the
    transition was smooth because,
    now I am retired, I only drink
    coffee in the morning. I also
    drank it at work. Now retired,
    I don't have the need!

  3. Darling!

    My beloved Mother, Argentina, knew Paige quite well. Mother would take us to The Mortons on Long Island Sound and we would ejoy their hospitality.

    They were good, kind souls who welcomed everyone. I, too, grew up with Paige's singing and my mother remembered her from her cabaret days. Mom died in 2009 and Paige died in 2013...both a loss for this boy!

    The Grand Old Timers are all but gone and with them went class, panache and elan.


  4. A Tribute To Tab,

    Love that you met Paige! This
    was wen Long Island Sound had
    class! Feel free to drop in
    here, anytime!
