Thursday, August 2, 2018

Don't Be Fooled By This Face!!!!!!!!!!! This Is A Family Annihilator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           This week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, is a local one, from Astoria, to be exact.   On July 30, in the evening, Shields took a gun to his current wife, who was 38, his ex-wife, who is 47, and their child, who was all of six years old.

                            Neighbors complained yelling was always heard from his dwelling.  Shields, 39, and some sort of ersatz fitness guru--which lends credence to the possibility he could have been pumped on steroids-- was engaged with his ex wife, in a custody battle for his child.  The woman and boy live in Amsterdam, by her choice, and she only wants the child to be in the U.S. maybe twice a year.  The current wife was almost collateral damage, because this battle did not concern her.  But sadly, when one is a family annihilator, as James is, collateral damage is no matter.  He will take out anyone who stands in his way.

                             The only thing he did right, was to turn the gun on himself, when the killings were finished.  Many may see this  as cowardly, to avoid jail, and it is, but it is also good riddance to someone, who, if faced with this situation again, would do exactly the same thing.

                               Why do these types always have wives?  They are always about control, so why not just hire a prostitute for a few hours?  Lord know, there are plenty of them, in Queens!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Guys like these need to be put in their place.  They need to visit a dominatrix--I am sure Queens has its share--and get knocked around, and kicked in the teeth!  They would get off on it, sure, but they might learn something.  This bitch learned nothing.

                                   And his dumb father, James Shields, Sr., practically defends him.  I mean, killing a 6-year-old boy???????  What was his part in this?  I will tell you--innocent!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    It is too bad this bitch did not survive his gunshot wound.  If he had, those inmates would have had some field day with him, once he was discovered to have been a child killer!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Many BOTWs have been family annihilators.  It saddens me to see the trend does not stop.

                                     Where is Child Protective Services, when truly needed????????????

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