Friday, August 3, 2018

Everything You've Heard Is True--Eliza Scanlen Steals "Sharp Objects," Every Time Amma Appears On Screen!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Amma is seen, even before Camille (Amy Adams) recognizes her, when she spots she and her acolytes, sitting on benches, during the search for Natalie Keene.  Later, she sees them again, in the main square of town.

                             It is key to Amma Camille fails to recognize her.  First, she hasn't seen Amma in eight years, having not been back to Wind Gap, in that time, and, once you get to know the town, it is easy to understand why.  Second, Amma is all about deception, and, while I think she recognizes Camille first, she never calls out to her.  Amma plays her cards close to her hands.

                              Which is why this double persona pic is perfect--good Amma, the role she plays at home, and bad Amma, the role she plays throughout the town.  But no one has any idea how bad Amma really is, or why, which is what makes "Sharp Objects" so compelling.  The most telling moment, so far, is, before going to her room, she tells Camille, in that understated way, "I act out, too. Only, no one knows it."

                                That line alone establishes Amma as someone to keep an eye on.  But the moment would not have had the impact had a lesser actress been cast in the role.

                                Camille and Amma are destined for a heads-on collision.  And what an acting feast that will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I just LOVE Eliza Scanlen, as Amma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Deliciously Evil.
    Have you been watching American Monster??


  2. Victoria,

    Believe me, Amma is a piece of work!
    Yes, I love "American Monster." Fascinating!
