Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Here We Are In August--The Last Of The "Good Time" Months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              August ends the Summer trilogy, which is why my feelings about this month have always been ambivalent.  Any kid over 5, and those old enough to remember, know that September follows right behind, which not only means Back To School, but that, now we are in the "ber" months, the year is quickly winding down.

                               This is why it is important to make the most of this month.  Those having not yet gone to the beach, or the amusement park--well, what are you waiting for?  August will come and go faster than one can imagine.

                                Having just emerged from the soggiest July I remember, I wonder if this August will be like "Death Valley Days."  Keep those Summer frocks fresh, and may they be from top designers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                As Freddy Cannon said, "That's when the good times roll!"

                               Make the most of them, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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