Wednesday, August 22, 2018

I Could Not Resist This, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   These are the Winston-Salem Debutantes of 1956, recalling an age of graciousness and glamour that should be brought back, when girls were taught how to be ladies.  As well as Plantation Princesses.   The breathtaking effect, you have to admit, darlings, is quasi-Southern.  I guess I am still reeling from the "Swanee" number in "A Star Is Born."

                                     But how, like Blanche Du Bois, I long for more civilized elegance and graciousness.  Let me tell you, girls, since I have retired, and am not riding the subway every day, it has become an odious experience, because, while I do read my way in and out of the city, I cannot help notice the increase of wackos and nut cases on the trains.  Or people who look like they could turn into such in an instant.

                                     All this talk about making America great again.  The answer does not lie in politics.  The answer lies in Nancy Drew, by Caroline Keene, where you learn the importance of stylish dress, white gloves, and having luncheon.

THIS is how we should all strive to look, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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