Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I Want To Do The "Big Boy" Prank That Is Done In "Marlena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 Throughout the history of twentieth century adolescence, I am certain that somewhere, sometime, something of this sort has been done.  Who knows; Julie Buntin might have based on an experience she had, or knew about.  It would not surprise me.

                                   Reading about is caused me to laugh out loud--something that does not happen often!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I would love to do this prank, and add my own touch to it.

                                    But it would require ingenuity, artistry, and a lot of people to make it work.

                                     The first thing to do would be to find a Big Boy nearest to where I live.  Being that is Brooklyn, this may necessitate going out of the city, and upstate, because I am not certain there are any Big Boys in the metropolitan area.  Even in Jersey.  I could be wrong.

                                       Once found, a sneaky trip has to be made to Big Boy--in the dead of night--to measure the height of the effigy.  Size and proportion are key to the success of this prank.

                                         Having measured the height of Big Boy, you need someone artistic to construct a giant sized dildo and testicles, plus someone who can mathematically determine how large said items should be, in proportion to the size of Big Boy.

                                          I guess a ladder, and tape, glue, or whatever is required to hold the dildo and testicles in place will be required on the next trip.  Again, this is done in the dead of night, where,  as near to the crotch area as possible, the dildo is attached to the Big Boy effigy.

                                          Now, he really IS a BIG Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                           That is as far as they go in the book.  It makes the papers.

                                            Now comes MY own, added touch!

                                            I stand beside the Big Boy effigy, point my leg out, like Claudette Colbert in "It Happened One Night," lift up the end of my shorts, high as I can go, and take a photograph, with, underneath, those immortal words from Philip Roth I always invoke--

                                            "Oh, do it to me, Big Boy!  Oh, shove it in me, Big Boy!
                                              Big Boy!  BIG BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                               Wouldn't that just be precious, dears???????????????????

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