Monday, August 20, 2018

Instead Of A 20th Anniversary Production Of "RENT," How About A 30th Anniversary Production Of "RAGS????????"


It is two years past the 20th anniversary of "RENT" and also past the 30th Anniversary of "RAGS."  Why the hell do another production of "RENT?" When it opened, back in 1996, it was only OK, its reputation elevated by the tragic, untimely death of composer Jonathan Larson, right before it opened.  The material demonstrated Larson's talent, though, I think, had he lived, this would have been his debut, but not his masterwork.

Who cares about "RENT" anyway?  It is one of those shows, like "Spring Awakening" that the millennials, who know nothing about REAL musicals, anyway, go crazy over, the same way they went crazy over--Oh, God!--"La La Land."

"RENT," which opened in 1996, has been paraded out much too often!

"RAGS" , which opened ten years before, has never been accorded the glory it deserves.  A beautiful, soaring, melodic, and deeply moving score about something REAL--the plight of Eastern European immigrants trying to find their way in New York, in contrast to a bunch of spoiled brat squatters in an abandoned building, circa 1996!!!!!!!!  "RAGS" has choice roles for actors, and the kind of songs one can sink one's vocal chops into.  The title song alone is one of the most dramatic ever heard in a Broadway musical--a REAL Broadway musical--and, because of it, the role of Bella is a highly coveted part.  I can never forget Judy Kuhn in the original production!!!!!!!!!

Probably the best presentation of "RAGS," outside of the original production, was done twenty years later, back in 2006, at the Noika Theatre.  The cast, like the orginal, was an "Oh, my God!" assemblage--Carolee Carmello, as Rebecca, Greg Edeleman, as her husband, Nathan, Eden Espinosa, as Bella, Harvey Fierstein (!!!), as her father, Avram, and Lainie Kazan (yes!!!), as Rachel.  While no cast recording of this event exists--a shame!!!!!!--you can catch Carolee Carmello's rendition of "Children Of The Wind" on YouTube to get a glance at the show's greatness!!!!

So, home come "RAGS" gets ignored, and "RENT" overdone?  One needs REAL voices for "RAGS," just as one does for "Carousel," and with that show sadly coming to the end of its run, I see the role of Rebecca in Jessie Mueller's future.  With she and a stellar cast, this would be a "RAGS" to reckon with!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, no more "RENT!"  Bring on "RAGS!"

Larson's piece, sadly, has became an overused rag!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Here is Judy Kuhn, doing the title song LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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