Friday, August 3, 2018

On The Latest Chase Commercial, Is The Artist Working WIth The Tea Leaves, Real? Is The Art Work???????????

                          What I shall refer to as the "Tiger With Tea Leaves" commercial for Chase Manhattan Bank is truly fascinating.  I never heard of making art from tea leaves--hell, I can barely finger paint--but when I see the shots of the artist working, and then the finished product, I always ask myself, "Is this for real?"  Or was it some artificiality, created just for this commercial?????

                            My hope is that is IS real, or at least a riff off of somebody who is, because the way the tea leaves are seemingly scattered on the canvass, to create a brilliant, gigantic image, is just stunning.  This ad could win a CLEO, if those are still given out.

                              Who is responsible for this?  Has a real artist actually done this?  My readers want to know!  And, so do I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               My tea leaves aren't even read!  I just use them for tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Michael yes its for real when I delivered mail I use to deliver to an indian bodega and the owners wife would make incredible murals in the back of the store using pedals from flowers rice and yes tes leaves. they were incredible keeping you in the know norman


  2. Norman,

    Your account was fascinating.
    I love the commercial, and the
    art work. Superior advertising
    of a project.

    Hope you and Joe are doing well.

  3. so... can you buy this art??? no one has said and I really want to know thank you :)


  4. Betty,

    Honestly, I don't know myself.
    People do it, so I suppose it is
    possible. But it would take some
    real hunting in SoHo and other art
    known places to get an answer!
