Monday, August 27, 2018

The Most Surreal Dining Expereince We Have Ever Had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Our apartment situation is still unresolved.  They have replaced the pipe, patched up the hole, but an inspector needs to come and inspect things, before gas can be turned on.  And we supposedly have no gas meter.  What gives?  Don't ask!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   What that means is David and I have been eating out most of the time.  Now, Bay Ridge has no shortage of places to do so, but doing it all the time not only gets boring, it adds up!  So, this past Friday, when I asked David where he wanted to go, he said "5 and 9," located at 7026 Third Avenue.  The place is full of mystery.

                                    First, when it opened, maybe a month or so ago, in a space that has gone through a lot of restaurant overhauls in the six years we have been living here, I was not sure what kind of a restaurant it was, because, I swear, they had photos of both Chinese and Italian entrees depicted on the windows.  By the time we ate there, it had been relegated to Chinese.

                                     Second, the correct title of the place is "Ginny's $5 to $9," suggesting the entrée prices are between five and nine dollars,  Au contraire, darlings!  Not high end, to be sure, but not the bargain the title promises.

                                     And just who the hell is Ginny????????????????

                                     When David and I ate there, we were the only ones in the place.  Sitting to our right, by the side, was this older man and woman, whom I am not sure were husband and wife, or mother and son, but I can tell you, they were very Right Wing, espousing praise for Trump, which did not meet with our approval.  I think they are the owners.  The only staff member on the premises, who has to take orders, cook and serve, is this cheap blonde dye job Suzie Wong type, with the most buxom chest I have ever seen on an Asian woman.  Hey, I may be gay, but when it is noticeable, it IS noticeable.

                                       Amid this quasi romantic--or attempt at--atmosphere, we had Frank Sinatra classics blaring on the speakers, while we ate meals that were worthy of the Chung King or La Choi junk they still sell in supermarkets, to morons who actually buy this, thinking it is REAL Chinese food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is not!

                                      And to my left, staring at me, was the most gorgeous technicolor photo of Marilyn Monroe I have ever seen.

                                       Surreal, indeed!  An experience, but one we will be sure not to repeat.

                                        I will be curious to see how long this one lasts. And what will come next!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yikes how could you eat while being subjected to trumpees


  2. It was not easy, Victoria.
    But mark my words--we will not
    be going back there, and I am
    certain a year from now, that
    place will no longer be in
