Wednesday, August 15, 2018

You Are Never Forgotten, Daniel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  This past Saturday, August 11th, marked two years to the day, Daniel Fitzpatrick hung himself in his Staten Island home, because he could not face the bullying her was forced to endure at Holy Angels Catholic Academy in Bay Ridge.  He was just 13, soon to turn 14, and had written a detailed account of how he was tormented, and by whom.

                                     And what happened?  Hey, things are just moseying along at Holy Angels, where I am sure his name is never mentioned, and the whole thing swept under the rug.  Another child there may be being bullied the same way, and who is dong anything about it????????????

                                      So, these are the people assigned to teach children about sanctity, holiness, and human goodness.  What is wrong with this picture, here?????????????

                                       Until the school owns up to its culpability in Daniel's death, the word "Holy" should be eliminated from the school's name.

                                        Hope you are now at peace, Daniel.  You did not find it on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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