Tuesday, September 4, 2018

An Interesting Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I grant you, darlings, this is not the first thing I would turn to, for literary sustenance.  For the last several months, it has been staring me at the Strand Recommends kiosk, so I decided to read it, as it seemed challenging.

                                      It is a hybrid mixture of Harry Potter, sci-fi, and social criticism.

                                      In the year 2044, many are homeless, and people live in trailers piled atop one another, and walk up stairs, accompanying scaffolding that holds the trailers in place, like cheap jack versions of apartment buildings.  If this is the future, then it says everyone is destined for some kind of Goat Alley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        The hero is Wade Owen Watts--WOW!

                                         His adventures are technological, covering the best and the worst.  One thing that fascinated me was the ability to project yourself into a movie that would make you feel as though you are actually in it.  Of course, all 80's fantasy and sci-films are referenced.  But how I would love to do this with "The Wizard Of Oz," "The Song Of Bernadette," or "Gone With The Wind."  I could, even, at last, be Barbara Jean in "Nashville!"

                                          The possibilities are endless, the results a generic quest novel, searching for a special kind of egg, that does get Tolkienesque, but not as wordy, though, even at 374 pages, I thought it could have been trimmed.

                                             Again, this is really not my métier.  If it is, girls you will love it.

                                             Undoubtedly, better than the Steven Spielberg movie, that went nowhere!!!!!!!!!!!

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