Thursday, September 13, 2018

Don't Let This Picture Fool You! These Are Bitches From Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Sooner or later, darlings, no matter how difficult, I find a bitch.  This week, I found two, Lindsey Moss, and her friend, Dallas Baron.  Wait till you hear what they did.

                                All the players in this drama hail from Aztec, New Mexico, where this took place.

                                 Amanda Greehaus has an eight year old boy, with Down's Syndrome, named Brican.  He is a sweet, loving child.

                                   Moss and Baron, both 19, and one of whom was actually pregnant, were asked to babysit for Brican, but what they did was to torture the young child, forcing him to smoke marijuana from a bong, as they thought it funny, and then striking him in the head, with an empty gallon sized can of water, whose plastic, nevertheless, had an indelible impact.

                                    I have seen the videos of these events, but refuse to post such horrors here.  They can easily be found on line.  Brican's father posted it online on Facebook, and these girls have been charged with child abuse.  I mean if they had continued babysitting Brican , a tragedy like the real life Jamie Bulger case, or the 'SVU' episode, "Lost Traveller" might have resulted.

                                     Charging these girls, slapping them across the face is not good enough!


                                       The Aztecs had their own way of dealing with sickness like this.  They would send, to get folk like these girls, a vicious and dangerous goddess.  A goddess who hungered for, and would devour, these girls' blood--


                                          I say, go get them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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