Friday, September 7, 2018

For Now, Let Us Hope, The Drama Has Ended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Before we get to the drama everyone wants to talk about, let's talk about mine.  It was a scorcher, yesterday, and I had to go into the city for a doctor visit and med retrieval.  I achieved both, in record time, but it was do de-energizing; the heat, literally, took my breath away, so I decided to go right home.

                                On the subway, this homeless guy got on, cursing about all us "white motherfuckers, and don't you say anything to me, because I got a knife."  He came on board with at least three garbage bags, so where the knife was, or how he would retrieve it, remained a mystery.

                                 The smart people got off, and moved.  When he settled down, I thought we were through.  But when this woman got on, he started on her, and I feared trouble.  He finally got off at one of the early stops in Brooklyn on the R--Metro Tech, or DeKalb--and we were thankful.

                                  I get home, and after hydrating myself, I had computer problems that have since, been solved.  I was hysterical, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I couldn't even start my new book!!!!!!!!!

                                 The capper was when I was leaving to meet David, to bring home sandwiches.  Our neighbor, Jennifer, was coming over, and then we were going to watch "Sharp Objects," which is what I know you all want to hear about.  All in good time.  I had reached the foyer, to leave, when a loud knock came on the door.  It was National Grid, coming, thankfully, to turn our gas back on. after a hiatus lasting, practically, the entire Summer.  The guy was very nice, and did his job quickly, so I was not late in getting to David.  He asked, "Didn't the super tell you were coming today?"  I wanted to say to him, "Are you kidding?  That lying, rat bastard never tells us anything.  Whatever does come out of his mouth is a lie."  Instead, I just said 'No!"

                                  This did not happen till 5:15 PM, yesterday.  I had planned to leave at 5PM, but was detained.  Had I not been, who knows what would have happened?

                                    So, all's well that ends well, I hope.

                                    And, please, no more drama. Just limit it to the stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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