Sunday, September 30, 2018

Girls, You HAVE To See This Delicious Bitchfest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I am ashamed to admit "A Simple Favor" was not on my radar, nor had I ever read the Darcy Bell novel.  I am tempted now to do so, except, while the story is outrageously fun, it does not have the gravitas of something like "Sharp Objects."

                                  When one of my most brilliant friends recommended this film on the grounds of not only quality but recollections of high school tales I have told about the esteemed Roberta, whom I always wanted to be as she, then, as I thought, had everything I wanted, and felt I should have, I was curious to see it.  And so, needing escape from a sad week, I went to see this, on Friday.

                                    The parallels are there, without doubt.  But honestly, girls, there is nothing to worry about.  If you put the two of us--Roberta and I-- together, we would probably just have a drink, and laugh about ourselves during those years.

                                      "A Simple Favor" opens with a perky Anna Kendrick, as widow Stephanie Smothers, doing a vlog (that is a video blog, something I refuse to do, as I feel I come off better in prose.)  As I watched this, I wondered if this was going to be some kind of "Julie and Julia" redo or rip-off.

                                        Stephanie takes her vlogging and domesticity a little too seriously--it borders on being creepy. And when sophisticate Emily Nelson, enters the story, as both their boys go to the same school, you can see how Stephanie yearns for her friendship, while Emily, in the guise thereof, yearns for an acolyte.

                                          Both Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively are obviously having such fun, doing these roles.  Blake has a model's looks, making her ideal for the part of the frosty sophisticate, but I had no idea she could be such a skilled actress.  I am not talking MERYL here, but it is a wonderful surprise to see Blake Lively go at Emily Nelson with such tongue in cheek malice.  She is a bitch to love.

                                           But it is actually Anna Kendrick who walks off with the film, as mousy Stephanie, who, as the film develops, turns out to be more than what is first thought. Her transition is so subtle than when it fully hits one, the impact is startling.  And Kendrick pulls it off with considerable acting skill.  This girl has depths one would never imagine?  But, then, darlings, don't we all?????????

                                             When it gets to the point where Emily refers to Stephanie as "Nancy Drew," I was reminded of myself.  Often, I have been seen as something I am not, and, like Stephanie, I have a fascination with solving mysteries, cold cases, and the like.  Anyone who has done considerable reading of these posts, can attest to that.

                                                I guess it is obvious now I am not telling much of the story.  In a sentence, "A Simple Favor" tells what happens when these two women coalesce--and then don't!!!!!!!!!  That is as much as one needs to know, because its pleasures of filmmaking, acting, set design, lighting and costumes, are as much of a revelation, as the plot.

                                                 If this were the best of all possible worlds, I would suggest that all the "Stephanies" out there go see this film with their "Emilys," or vice versa.

                                                  "A Simple Favor," is, at heart, a simple thriller.  But it such delicious, nasty fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Just for us girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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