Friday, September 28, 2018

I Know Who This Actress Is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  There is this TV commercial, currently being aired, that starts with two small kids selling lemonade.  A woman comes along to buy a cup, and the mother buts in, pouring the entire pitcher into a cup big enough to hold the entire contents. The customer has got her lemonade, but, boy, she is a little puzzled as to how she is going to drink so much.  Even I, whose diabetes makes me thirsty, would have found this a challenge.

                                   The woman walks away, and the commercial switches to Mom and kids going into the house, to watch a Sunday football game.  Which I could care less about.

                                      My interest is in the first half.  From the time this ad was aired, I kept looking at this actress in recognition, as having known her--not personally--from somewhere else.  Last night, I finally figured it out.

                                       This is Gloria Garayua, who played Vita Chacon, back in 2007, on that most heartbreaking of "Cold Case" episodes, "A Dollar, A Dream."

                                         Gloria has enormous credentials, but the impact she and everyone in that episode made on me was indelible.  To know more about it, look for it on this blog.  I have written about the episode extensively.

                                            Nice to see you again, Gloria!  Looking good!   Loved you as Vita, but would love to see more of your work!

                                              Go, Gloria, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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