Friday, September 7, 2018

Now, Here Is Where "Sharp Objects" Starts "Falling" Into Place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I know "Sharp Objects" is what you have all been waiting for me to talk about, so here it is.

                                The Unholy Trinity of Adora, Amma, and Camille all show their true colors, and none of them are pretty.  Oh, and I will have something to say about Alan, too!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Those of us who read the book already know, and maybe those who have not have begun to figure out, that Adora NEEDS to be adored.  She is so needy, she suffers from Munchausen By Proxy, where she needs to present the caring illusion of the nursing mother, who cares about her daughters.  In some weird way, this is to atone for the death of her daughter, Marian, Camille's real younger sister.  In another, it is to keep control over Camille, and to reduce Amma to the dependent overly childlike creature Adora wants to keep her as.

                                   No wonder Camille, once she became of age, fled Wind Gap, and this house!  I would have done the same thing!

                                    And--I am not excusing anything--but no wonder Amma is as twisted as she is!!!!!!!!

                                    Thank God Marian's ghost keeps warning Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And that Alan!  In the book, he is a wuss; here he has a little, not much, more spine, and I have no doubt he knows what Adora is doing, but will not stand up to her.  Whether he thinks Aurora killed Natalie and Ann I cannot fathom, but he does suggest--to Adora--that she is going "too far" in administering to Camille and Amma.   Does he know about Marian?  No.  Was Marian deliberate, or an accident? I believe the latter; Adora wanted to keep Marian, who was compliant, like Amma, childish and dependent.   Apparently, unlike Amma, Marian never had a dark side she needed to let out, like Amma.  She, of the girls, was the least like Adora.  So, I think Adora  did not realize how far she had gone, and when Marian died, while it was a tragedy, it gave Adora another excuse to play an attention getting role--the grief-stricken mother.  But the psychotic part of her shrewdly cremates Marian's body, so nothing can be revealed.

                                      Adora is a piece of work, inherited on down from her own mother, Joya, who left her in the woods alone, as a small child, to find her way home, and showed nothing of real maternal love to her, so how could Aurora know?  So she adopted this twisted method!

                                      Darlings, if you live in a house like this, or know someone who does, get help for yourself or them, fast, before it is too late.  And deliver justice to the sick, administrating bitch!

                                         I kept waiting for Camille or Amma to spit the medicine in Adora's face,
or fight back, or something.  But that would violate the whole understated concept of "Sharp Objects."

                                          And sets things up for the final episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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