Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Things Heat Up Even More, In Episode 6, "Cherry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              I swear girls, because of Eliza Scanlen, "Sharp Objects" is starting to become "The Adventures Of Amma Crellin," and I can't wait to see what she cooks up next.

                              From her first appearance in the show, Amma was always good for a line or two.
"Mama says I have to careful with you.  You're dangerous.  You're incorrigible.  I am incorrigible, too, Mama just doesn't know it."

                                 The only way Mama cannot be aware of the hellcat Amma is, once she steps outside the house, is because Adora, as Clarkson portrays her, is one of the world's most defined narcissists.  It's all about her, and her relationship with Amma, manufactured as it is, by both, prevents her from arriving at any dangerous assumptions about her youngest daughter.

                                   How about when Adora tells Camille, "I never loved you?"  What a shocker.  This may explain why Amma is able to lure the supposedly more controlled Camille to parties she is altogether too old for, and would not be there, unless acquiescing to Amma.  Does Camille long for Amma's love?  Someone's?  Anyone's?  At times, Amma's embraces of Camille; their dance outside their house, when both are wasted, is quasi-incestuous, and I wondered what both's motives were at that moment.

                                     And how about the mutilation of Ashley's ear, and Amma's ominous look from the pool?  It is clear Amma is somehow responsible for Ashely's ear, though neither seems to want to talk about it.

                                       Nor does Camille want to talk about her gang rape in high school by the football team, when one of the players, encounters her in the woods, tries to apologize.  I agree with Camille it is too little, too late, but, more to the point, Camille does not want to talk about it, even though she has left Wind Gap.  Small town sins stay with you forever.  I can attest to that!

                                        Much as Camille left Wind Gap, and Amma will, as soon as she is able, both are, in a sense, trapped by it.  This can only be understood by someone who hated growing up in a small town, as did I.

                                           The girls-night-out "Beaches" scene was a howler, and a reminder of this is all people in places like these have to look forward to.  No wonder Camille is bored out of her mind.  I get it.

                                             As for Amma, she gets hers in with two great lines--

                                            "It is better to be feared, than loved."

                                            "You know the best part of getting wasted? Mama takes care of me."
Oh, Amma, how we LOVE you!  But I still  have this gnawing fear of disappointment, that the ending will somehow deviate  from the book!!!!!!!!!

I want SO much to be wrong!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Did you know she's Australian!
    I think she is so talented.


  3. Victoria,

    Yes, I knew she was Australian.
    I heard some interviews with her,
    in her natural accent. This gifted
    young actress is on her way!
