Thursday, September 20, 2018

This Is One Scary Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  It is so nice, for a change, darlings, being on time, with Bitch Of The Week!  I have not been lately, but, once I heard about Ian Watkins, I knew I had found this week's winner.

                                   Ian Watkins--the name pains me!  No sooner do we get rid of Moors Murderer Ian Brady, on May 15, of last year, then along comes this sicko named Ian with some sort of sick agenda to carry out.  Some may know him as the lead on the rock group Lostprophets.  I do not know what the hell that is, and, thanks to Watkins, I do not care.  Besides, with all his trouble, and scandal, the group will probably disband.  It might as well right now, because it does not stand a chance.

                                    He is a pedophile, with a special predilection for babies.

                                    Two mothers, groupies of his, allowed him to molest their children.  One was an eleven month old, boy, whom Watkins raped, and the other was a two year old girl.  This was back in 2013, and I am sure Watkins has been continuing; he has been grooming women from prison, where he is held, and he and these mothers were placed on trial.

                                      The mothers are not worthy to be BOTWs.  They are sick, pathetic monsters, who never should be near children, who watched what Watkins did, and did so because they were so
taken with him they wanted to be his groupies, even at this cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Child Welfare, or whatever England has in place, hopefully has removed those kids from their moms. Whom, I believed, were charged with Watkins.  This had been going on, as far back as 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Well, Ian, welcome to Hell!  The hell you put those babies through will be dished out to you, once your inmates find out what you are in for.  And gossip travels fast in prisons. Faster than at a society party, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               As for the moms, if this were Salem of 1692, I would say they deserve no less.  And they still do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                May this trio suffer for what was perpetrated upon innocent babies!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Sadistic sickos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. My heart breaks for the babies. Poor souls.

  2. Same here, Victoria.
    I hope those babies are
    taken away from their
    mothers, and find peace
