Monday, October 22, 2018

"Accredo" Was Crud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Last week's 'SVU' episode, "Accredo" was about some cult run by con man Arlo Beck, played by Sebastian Roche. Like so many of these abominable groups out there, they claim to empower women, but really send them back to being Stepford Wives.  Because, as shown here, it is all about meeting the male leader's needs--assistance, emotional, or sexual.

                                       I just loved right hand bitch, Lila Finch, played by Sarah Carter.  She thinks she has come a long way, but she really hasn't.  She's reduced to a gun moll, cleaning up after Beck, even killing would be deserters who come to their senses, like Vicky Parson, played by Lexi Lapp.  Now, there is a stage name, for you!

                                       Vicky had the right idea, but was too naïve to successfully escape.  And this sets the stage for a LOOOOONG monologue by Olivia, where she declares Beck to be "the worst kind of predator."  Excuse me, hon, but you are way off. Beck and his cronies are full blown scum, but the worst of the WORST are those who prey on children!  But Mariska Hargitay just has to get her Emmy shot in per episode, so no one questions the accuracy of what she is really saying.  Writers, get your act together, or get this retired tuna off the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The show was crud by being hypocritical.  It espoused female empowerment, by showing women who were anything but, while deluded into thinking they are.  Now that Beck is put away, they will have an even worse struggle than before.

                                           If I sound misogynistic, let me say I am really not.  But the luxurious falseness of this episode just stuck in my craw.  The show is still going down the tubes.

                                           Should it keep up like this, it will soon reach the sewers!

                                            Then, bye, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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