Friday, October 5, 2018

Girls, Have You Been To Glendale??????????? It Is SO Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     "Do you think I was happy, in Glendale?"
                                                     --Ann Blyth, as Veda, in "Mildred Pierce"

                                               Veda, of course, was a prime bitch; she would never have been happy anywhere.  And she was talking about Glendale, California.

                                                  But Glendale, Queens, which we passed through, en route to that emotional funeral, is the coziest little place you ever saw.  Very nineteen fifties looking; this is where they should have shot the recent remake of "The Bad Seed."  Get a load of the garden apartments here, and the quaint Tudor houses, tree lined streets, and feeling of coziness.

                                                   Of course, as David reminded me, it is too far out.  Where is the subway?  Or a train?  How to get to Manhattan, let alone, out of it?

                                                    Also, I did not see a bookstore, which is crucial for me?  How would I do my monthly Strand runs?????????

                                                     But for those unencumbered by such obstacles, Glendale is the most charming little village.

                                                      You can live in the Fifties there, forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Glendale...isn't that where they filmed the closing credits of "All in the Family"?


  2. Victoria,

    You may be right. It is defnintely
    Queens. But I was always told it was
    Long Island City, Way before it became
