Friday, October 5, 2018

If Only I Had Known!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Sister Camille D'Arienzo's birthday is sometime this month, but only she knows when.  While passing through Glendale, or more importantly, afterward, it came to me that I had either read or heard on one of her broadcasts, that the Mother house she resides in, is in Glendale. If only we had known, we could have looked Sister Camille up, and avail ourselves of her wisdom.

                                        I would probably prostrate on the floor before her, hands spread out, in supplication, and Catholic suffering on stone floors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         But how would I get up?

                                         Anyway, the next time, if, we are in Glendale, we will make an effort to look up Sister Camille.

                                          Tea with her, dears, would be simply divine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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