Thursday, October 11, 2018

Just In Time For Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          When it comes to bitches, darlings, Amanda Taylor is one piece of work.  The minute I heard her story, I knew she would make a perfect Bitch Of The Week!

                             Hence, she is this week's winner!

                             The funny thing is, we are almost on the same page.  Both of us have a fascination with serial killers.

                               Only Amanda took it steps further.

                                I read and write about serial killers.  Amanda began corresponding--and getting responses-- with actual serial killers in prison.  But that was not enough.  Amanda really had a thirst to kill; I mean, it was like her ambition was to be a serial killer. And so she fulfilled it.

                                   She was married, young, to a guy named Rex Taylor.  The marriage crumbled, maybe because of Amanda's morbid obsessions, and Rex went to live with his father, Charles Taylor.

                                    In Amanda's twisted mind, she blamed Charles for the failure of her marriage, and Rex's drug problems.  And when Rex, due to depression, committed suicide, in August of 2014, despite being a mother of two, she was determined to get vengeance, and go on a spree.

                                     So, on April 4, 2015, she went to Charlie's house, and stabbed him to death.
She said it made her happy.

                                      But that is not all.  After killing him, she took a selfie of herself and her dead father-in-law, thus earning Amanda the title of "The Selfie Killer From Virginia."

                                        She also had an accomplice, Sean Ball, who shared Amanda's grotesque obsessions, claiming he had a big military career, when, in actuality, he was a waiter at some cheap dive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Amanda also a "brief obsession with ISIS," but nothing came of it.  Nice, huh????????????

                                            The two were arrested later in 2015.  Amanda got Life, and Sean got 60 years, which is as good as saying he is there for the rest of their life/

                                               But, did they kill anyone else?

                                               It is believed she and Sean Ball talked about going on a cross country spree.  So, clearly, there was more bloodshed to follow.

                                              Amanda was also the mother of two children.  Some mother.  Hope those kids were taken from her, and placed somewhere, so they can grow up stable, minus any gruesome memories!

                                              Police were fortunate enough to apprehend the next Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate.  Or Ian Brady and Myra Hindley.

                                               Clearly Amanda, as the mastermind, was more dangerous.  She is right where she belongs.

                                                 If I were savvy enough to do this, I would paste on here, as an end to this post, a shot of Patricia Jessel, as Elizabeth Selwyn, being burned at the stake, with Amanda's face superimposed over hers.  That is what she deserves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   But those femme inmates will take care of you, Amanda, honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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