Thursday, October 11, 2018

Last Night's Episode Of "American Horror Story" Was The Best Yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Entitled "Boy Wonder," it was meant to showcase how qualified Michael Langdon (Cody Fern) is supposedly qualified to be the next Supreme.  But don't kid yourselves, darlings; after undergoing The Test Of The Seven Wonders, and retrieving beloved Misty Day (our beloved Lily Rabe, with that beauty and hair not a day older!!!!!!!!!!!) from Hell, it is clear Langdon does not stand a chance.

                              The Battle Of The Sexes--or, in this case, Witches and Warlocks--has been drawn.  First, these witches are butcher than these warlocks!!!!!!!!!!!   I mean, B. D. Wong' come on!!!!!!!!!!!  And after Cordelia's (Sarah Paulson) vision of the future, you know the witches are in this one for the winning.  The wimpy warlocks don't stand a chance.

                               And how about the trailer, for next week, going back to Horror House, with a return, by Jessica Lange, as Fiona??????????????  Or whomever????????????????????

                                 Lily and Stevie Nicks were the highlight of the episode. And when Stevie sang the Fleetwood Mac classic, "Gypsy," and embraced Lily, I am assured--or hope fervently--Misty will be the next Supreme. That is all I care about, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  That, and trying to look as fabulous as Lily Rabe as Misty Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   As to The Test Of The Seven Wonders, I am not so sure!
Lily and Stevie MADE this episode!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what about Mallory????????????


  1. Oy, Stevie Nicks- sorry, RQ, I can't agree on this one. The show was moving along at a fantastic clip, then Nicks strolled in and the whole thing ground to a deadly WTF? halt (just as it did when she first appeared in Coven, although that time she at least had shock value and the song was more appropriate). Stevie is a stunt, no more, no less, and once a stunt is deployed the first time it loses all repeat value. The damned song dragged on and on and on and on and ON: Sarah Paulson and Lily Rabe must have required on-set Botox treatments to maintain their forced beatific smiling reaction shots. And like her appearance in Coven, Nicks is yet again an irritatingly unexplained loose end: presented as a witch with powers to rival the Supreme, yet completely independent of the council (like a hooker without a pimp).

    Audience reaction to Nicks was split 50/50, with some feeling as you did and others (like me) feeling the endless Nicks bit was a tacky distraction from the joy of Lily Rabe's thrilling return. BUT: yay, Misty is back! And Madison and Pray Tell (from Pose) are heading to Murder House to meet Ben, Vivien, Hayden and Constance! And god bless the divine Myrtle, for cursing MARK ZUCKERBERG with her contempt!

    OTOH its clear Ryan Murphy no longer gives a flying fig about holding onto AHS straight audience, or even AHS itself. Casting ALL the male roles with queeny actors from his other higher-priority series is the biggest clue and middle finger. "Apocalypse" makes the least sense of all the seasons so far, and thats saying something since none of them really hold up to narrative scrutiny. Why exactly would Michael Langdon need or want to putz around with the clan of cape -swirling subterranean queens if he's so powerful? To lure the witches into a trap? He could do that on his own. This latest episode revealed step-mom Kathy Bates conspired with Michael from the start to embed him with the Witless Warlocks, so something is behind this whole thing. Lets hope it makes a lick of story sense.


  2. Yes, it is lovely to have Lily back.
    Now let us see her used effectively.
    I loved Stevie, and those beatific shots
    could have been edited, leaving room for
    rest between takes. But Lily, like Misty
    is a Nicks fan, so I think her emotion
    was genuine.

    As for the Test Of The Seven Wonders,
    I leave that one to you. The last
    part scares me.

    Now I am curious to see where this is
    all leading!
