Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Such Fun To Return To An Old Fashioned Page Turner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I had to laugh when a reviewer compared writer Liane Moriarty to Maeve Binchy, saying she was a "Maeve Binchy, with edge."  Now, I have only read one Binchy book, "Circle Of Friends," which became a movie with Minnie Driver, but my father, while still alive, read countless others, so I can tell you I am fairly certain Binchy never lifted the tea cozy from the pot, if you know what I mean. Her novels were almost pastoral, hardly edgy.

                                           Moriarty is not afraid to go out on a ledge, and then some.  What is most fascinating about "The Husband's Secret," is not the revelation thereof, (which I, by the way, figured out) it is how what follows is played out.  And that is a horrible combination of confluence and consequence.

                                              But then Miss Moriarty is not through. She offers an Epilogue, which is a deus ex machina of her own making, musing on what might really have happened, had things occurred differently.  It is a tantalizing tease, but no big shock, as other reviewers thought.  In fact, I thought it was not necessary at all, because the novel gives the reader so much to think about.

                                                  And it moves at a fast clip,, while being well written.

                                                  I was so impressed, I look forward to reading more of her works.  She offers entertainment of a rather high grade.

                                                   Which I really was not expecting, when I began the book.

                                                     So, kudos, to Miss Moriarty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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