Friday, October 19, 2018

The Recent Episode Of "AHS: Apocalypse" Was Filled With Surprises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I have not been overtly thrilled about this season on "American Horror Story," but it has had its moments.  I mean, it was not as bad as "Roanoke," despite the artistry tried for, there.

                             But, first, let me say I was disappointed there wasn't more of Lily Rabe, as Misty Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              However, darlings, when Jessica Lange made that entrance and remark as she made her entrance walking down the stairs, you could hear fans roaring, from miles.  Her entrance was iconic, on a par with Carol Channing in "Hello, Dolly!" and Gene Tierney in "The Razor's Edge."  The 1946 version, of course.  Do I need to say?

                              The two other surprises were Sarah Paulson directing the episode, and Emma Roberts being able to carry most of it by herself.  Not to mention Madison's touch of compassion at the end. Bitches do have hearts, but I agreed with her when the line was said, "Scratch a narcissist, and you find a stone cold bitch!"  I may not be as narcissistic or stone cold, but watch out, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!

                                As for Billy Porter, as Behold Chablis, it is time for him and his faggy warlock friends to return to whatever strip mall of a universe they came from, because it is certainly not Gucci, or De La Renta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And if Dylan McDermott was going to masturbate, could he do it, facing front, please?  Or could we at least have another glimpse of Evan Peters' body?  Ryan, dear, you are slipping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Tessa, Sarah, Kathy, Naomi,....everyone running through the house, hog wild!  It did not really add up to much, but it was certainly fun to watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I realize everyone can't get in there, but can we please have a glimpse--again--of Hypodermic Sally???????????????????????

                                  And don't we all just love Frances Conroy as Moira O'Hara!  The maid with attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She should come and work, for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   The evening was fun, hons!  But can't it get grounded back to more serious matters????????????????

                                    This season lacks them!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I loved every minute of it: more than made up for the "Stevie Nicks as Norma Desmond" grotequerie last week. Misty Day was not in this because it was all about the House and Michael, tho I was disappointed we didn't get a glimpse of Lily Rabe as Nora Montgomery in the accursed basement with her darling Infantada.

    Wasn't expecting Frances Conroy's Moira to finally escape the House and move on. The reunion scene with her mother in the cemetery made me tear up: beautifully done, with full honors for the character.

    Lange jumped back into her Constance guise like it was a comfortable glove: naysayers whine that she always plays the same type of AHS character, but she does it SO well and infuses them with individuating nuance.

    Connie and Dylan got back into their roles more successfully than I expected: it was like the seven years between appearances never happened. Taissa was pretty much wasted, but then she was dullsville first time around anyway. Madison's BS handwaving of Tate's past evil deeds was disturbing: "oh, he raped your mother and impregnated her with the AntiChrist, killed 12 classsmates in a school shooting spree, and viciously murdered a gay couple in a painful humiliatingly homophobic manner, but you should forget that and concentrate on your redeeming love instead". Bitch, puh-leeze.

    One actor I'd really hoped to see again somehow was Jamie Brewer, but I understood her arc was completely over since she was buried outside the House grounds and escaped being trapped there for eternity. Still, a new flashback or other workaround would have been a nice touch. The Naomi Gromssman cameo was a thoroughly wasted opportunity: if you didn't read the publicity materials you wouldn't even know she was in it.

    Billy Porter is an acquired taste. Like many a flamboyant actor, he's a bit one-note, especially (as here) when pigeonholed as stereotypical cliche Paul Lynde comic relief. But given the right script to work with, he is awesome: if he doesn't get Emmy-nominated for his role as Pray Tell in "Pose" it will be criminal (hell, everyone in that show deserves an Emmy).


  2. As you can tell from my posts, I am having
    trouble with this season. To me, it is rushed,
    and they are trying to cram too much in.

    So, can't we at least get a glimpse of
    Hypodermic Sally?

    Who knew Sarah Paulson could direct? And
    with so many characters popping out of the
    woodwork, we might as well have been in there,

    Would you believe I had to explain to David
    who Anton Lavey was? I knew someone years ago
    who lived in SF during the Haight years, and met
    both him and Manson! I also had to explain to
    David the two urban legends surrounding the film
    "Rosemary's Baby"--that Lavey played the Devil in
    the dream/rape scene, and that Sharon Tate is in
    the young peoples' party scene. Both have been
    disputed over the years.

    I would like more substance, instead of being
    teased by brief appearances by Rabe and such.

    Nonetheless, I am rotting for the Witches!
    Blow those faggy warlocks to Kingdom Come!
