Friday, October 19, 2018

This Is NOT The Way The Cookie Crumbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The cookie itself is not the Bitch Of The Week, but it figures in this week's column.  The winners are two unidentified girls--as yet--at Da Vinci High School, in Davis, California--who baked and distributed delicious looking sugar cookies to the students in the school, but added a special ingredient.

                               No, not like Minnie's pie, in "The Help," this is a new one!

                               The cremains of one of the girls' grandmother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Can you believe this?  What kind of sickness is this?  Did girly have a grudge against Granny?  Was she shut out of the will?????????????

                                 It is believed that nine students ate the cookies. One of those, a boy named Andy Knox, likened the taste to sand, which kids, when small, sometimes accidentally ingest.  He said the cookie had that gritty texture and taste.

                                  These girls are flirting with cannibalism, as far as I am concerned.

                                   Once they are found out, their social calendar will crumble; never mind the cookie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And no one will ever go to any of their parties again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Darlings, it almost sounds, a bit, like Shirley Jackson's "We Have Always Lived In The Castle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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