Saturday, October 20, 2018

Where The Hell Is It, When We Need It?????????????????????????

                                                        This marks fifty years since 1968, a very good year for films.  And one of those films was "Funny Girl."

                                                          So, why have there not been any retrospective screenings?

                                                          Once upon a time, girls, film classics were revered and trotted out on anniversary occasions.  But, as the culture got techno, and hence more dumbed down, aesthetically, the anniversary screening went, to borrow from Samuel Butler (whom, I am sure, borrowed it from someone else!) "the way of all flesh."

                                                             With what I have written about on here recently, and with Lady Gaga being hailed and booed, depending on whom you talk to, for "A Star Is Born," the time for an engagement of "Funny Girl" could not be more apt.

                                                                 This was the film that brought out the gay in us burgeoning Baby Boomers.  It told us that we, too, could go somewhere, if we wanted it badly enough, no matter how ugly or miserable we thought we were.

                                                                   Come to think of it, adolescence is the perfect time to see this film.  The endings to both halves of the film are iconic and send an inspirational message needed, especially in today's times.

                                                                      And, of course, it will bring back those days, when I, like countless others, wanted to be BARBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                        So, can this film be trotted out, please?  It deserves remembrance, it is needed badly in this misanthropic age, and we all want to feel as carefree as BARBRA on those roller skates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                           This movie proves, that you, too, can be the "Greatest Star," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Here are the iconic endings--"Don't Rain On My Parade," and "My Man!"  Take a look, and see what I mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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