Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A Saturday Night Delight!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Are They For Real?????????????????????

                                 Oh, my God, Stacey Kaiser and Brian Russell.  They are the faux therapists on "Fatal Vows," Saturday night on ID, and they are a riot!

                                  That name, Stacey Kaiser!!!!!!!!!!!   Staaaaaaaaaceyyyyyyyyy  Kaiiiiiiseeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr!  Like a Kaiser roll. This is when the name Elaine Grimminger popped into my head, and I had meant to reference Elaine in this post.  Because she Stacey, and Randi Kleiner (0h my God, girls, remember Raaaaaaaaaandiiiiiii Kleiiiiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeer?) have the whiniest sounding names in history.

                                     I promise I will reference the "Annie Hall" girl at the end, to give Elaine her due.

                                     But back to Stacey and Brian.  Are they actual therapists? Stacey looks like a Long Island Jewish housewife, talks like one, too, and what is with those boots?  Is she just tasteless?  A lesbian?  In any case, she just cracks me up.

                                      Brian is tougher to get a handle on.  Is he gay, or straight?  A bottom?  Do these two even have ANY sexual fantasies? But he must have a thing for the writer Jonathan Franzen, because he is so going for that Jonathan Franzen look.  It makes me wonder.

                                         But these two just crack me up, with their analysis of the relationships being portrayed.  They are the prefect prelude to "Saturday Night Live!" because they are so hilarious.

                                            The only better duo would be Amy Sedaris and Susan Lucci. Now, THEIRS is some therapy I would seek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, once again, here is my memory of Elaine Grimminger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't you just LOVE it???????????

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