Wednesday, November 7, 2018

A Timely Story....But Did Not Sweep Me Away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      It is no surprise to me, girls, that what emerges in fiction reflects often the times we live in.  This is almost a no-brainer.  In this year of the #MeToo movement, this year's fictional output has dealt with a lot of women wending their way through politically difficult times. Some are better than others.  So, I was intrigued by Ingrid Rojas Cantreras' "Fruit Of The Drunken Tree."  I expected to be blown away.  Alas, I was not.

                                       This first novel cross cuts the lives of Chula, Cassandra, and their families, with the novel's most sinister, yet intriguing character, their nanny Petrona, a teenaged girl.  No, she is not as sinister as Yoselyn Ortega, but I did not like the fast and loose way the author plays with the reader's emotions, first having us like Petrona, then hating her, then we are supposed to feel sorry for this enigmatic, and, by end, I was convinced, narcissistic woman?

                                            The title is a poetic metaphor for the tree in the sisters' house, that is poisoned, while the atmosphere around them--and that includes Petrona--is tainted with poison and corruption.  I simply could not warm to it,  Maybe I am over read?   But I don't think so.

                                             I want to be able to understand where a novel is going and why. Ms. Cantreras fails to do this, so I was not as impressed with her work as some.  Can I recommend it, in good conscience?  No.

                                               Time to get away from women in peril.  The market is over glutted with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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