Tuesday, November 13, 2018

According To My Findings, THIS Is The First Christmas Card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I know, darlings, I know, you think I have gone nuts.  Well, let me tell you, the Christmas overhanging street lights have been up on Fifth Avenue in my Brooklyn neighborhood, for weeks, and, just six days before my birthday, which predates Thanksgiving, they went up on third.  So, who is rushing things?

                                    My only question is, where is the Nativity? Where is the Baby Jesus????????

                                    Also, was there a gay component to this card.  According to my findings, the first commercial (which may explain the absence of the Nativity and lovable Baby Jesus!) was designed by John Callcott Horsley for Henry Cole, in the year 1843.

                                       The design of the card, which I love, suggests that year.  But what was up with John and Henry????????  Hmmmmmmmmmm?   Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Could this actually mean gay men are responsible for the commercialization of Christmas????????  Then, darlings, give us credit, where credit is due!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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