Monday, November 12, 2018

"American Horror Story:Apocalypse," Episode 9, "Fire And Reign" Not As Good As James Taylor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   With just one more episode to go before the season wraps up, no wonder Cordelia is freaking out.  It's still better than "Roanoke," but, except for a few choice moments, and the episode "Traitor," this season has been a dud,

                                      I am getting just a little tired of Kathy Bates, and her robotic character.  It says more about the writing than Bates, who can only do so much with her gifts if the role is limited as it is.

                                       And killing all the witches????? What is that about.  Poor Queenie (Gabourey Sidibe) and Zoe (Taissa Farmiga).  Will we ever see them again?  And why can't Joan Collins stay around longer?

                                       Not to mention poor Lily Rabe, as Misty Day.  She was not killed, but I just thought, after her cameo, she was sent back to hell, where she should not be taking Advanced Placement Biology.  This just proves not everyone should take AP Bio.  Including yours truly.  My experience would have been the same as Misty's  During an aside, this past week it was suggested Misty was off "witching" with Stevie.  Good for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          But bringing in the Romanovs?  Claiming Anastasia was a witch?  Puhleeeeze!!!!!!!!!!!  Anastasia was not a witch!  She was Ingrid Bergman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         So, is next week going to be a showdown between Mallory and Madison?  And why is Miss Bitch Montgomery left alive?  I think there is going to be some kind of showdown, and if Madison emerges as the New Supreme, who is going to restore world order, well, then, I am throwing in the towel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Give Evan Peters more to do than a sociopathic nerd/dork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            If Season 9 is not an improvement, there may not be a Season 10!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Ryan, Brad, PLEASE!   Let these gifted actors play characters, not caricatures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               The whole apocalypse thing was done better decades earlier, in "On The Beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. Michael brad just married gwyneth so if that doesn't screw him up nothing will and who will probably be on next season king kong first act staged breathless pace everything moves second act captured and put on display sinks everything is put on the damsel in distress not a good idea and for your audience the cher show is a cherapoolza a fashion scene displaying over a dozen outfits stopped act one and a showstopping number in act two brought them to their feet stephanie block is excellent as star cher take care lovt to david norman


  2. Norman,
    Thanks so much for the
    comments on "King Kong." I
    really laughed at the Times
    review, jointly done as dialogue
    between Ben Brantley and Jesse Green.

    I love Stephanie Block, so The Cher Show
    might be worth a look.

    For my birthday, we are seeing "A Chorus Line"
    at City Center on Saturday, then "Il Trittico:"
    at the Metropolitan Opera on Dec. 8.

    Hope you and Joe are well. All fine here.


  3. Addendum--

    I did a post on Gwyneth marrying Brad.
    I agree Gwyneth will turn up on AHS now,
    at some point, but my REAL hope if for
    Blythe to, as well!
