Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday Is Worse Than Black Flag Ant And Roach Spray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Black Friday is a form of Hell not mentioned in any religious contexts, though it should be, as it comes under the heading of Greed.

                              At least with Black Flag, the smell eventually wears off.  But with the horror of Black Friday, one is not safe, until all possessions are taken from the car, and the patron is locked in his or her house.

                              I can't begin to fathom the  kind of idiots who line up in the cold at 3AM, if not earlier, for this. The same nuts who end up on "Judge Judy."  Remember the year in Long Island, when a worker was trampled to death, simply from opening the doors?  I hope his family got a BIG settlement!

                               I would imagine there are patrons who get beaten out for the item or items the want, and follow their rival home, fighting for the goods, in the driveway.

                                 Black Friday is the closest we have to the reality of "The Purge."   I want nothing to do with it, and stay far away from it.

                                    Take up crafts, girls, like Amy Sedaris! It is safer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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