Thursday, November 1, 2018

Girls, Can You Believe It Is November, Already??????????????????

                                 Yes, I know it can be a bit depressing, once the time change sets in, and it begins to get dark at 4:30AM.  I never liked that, even as a kid.  But, November is filled with exciting things.

                                    Today is All Saints Day.

                                    Tomorrow is All Souls Day.

                                     The time changes this weekend.

                                     Jonah Hill hosts "Saturday Night Live!"

                                     Musical Theater Week is coming--the 13th to the 18th.

                                     MTW Birthdays--Sammy Williams--November 13.
                                                                   Donna McKechnie--November 16.
                                                                   Martha Plimpton--November 16.
                                                                   Neva Small--November 17.
                                                                   Dorothy Collins--November 18.
                                       And--YOURS TRULY, ON THE SAME DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       A Visit From Birthday Party Barbie!


                                        The Start Of The Holiday Season!

                                       Of course some sad things too--November 9 being the 80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht, and the day John List murdered his family in Westfield, NJ, back in 1971.

                                         So, darlings, November is anything but a dull month.  Let us recall the fun times it brings, and the memories they will create in years to come.

                                          Wishing you a great November, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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