Thursday, November 8, 2018

Look At This Bitch! What A Piece Of Trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Yes, darlings, it is time for Bitch Of The Week, and Susan Westwood is such a perfect choice.  She is so trashy looking, and yet she boasts about making $125K--at what, I would like to know?--and is the Queen Of Entitlement at her Sunset Beach Park neighborhood, in North Carolina.

                                       The incident happened on October 19.  Susan came home to her apartment, from an evening out, and was clearly inebriated.  Nothing wrong there, and she made it home safe. But, when she got out of the car, and saw a group of Black folk waiting for someone to come fix their car, which had broken down, she went into a racist rant, about what the hell do they have the right to be in this neighborhood, when she makes so much money; she claims they were scooping out the place to steal, and that people such as they do not belong in this neighborhood!

                                       Hey, Susan, I got news for you, neither do you!  You belong in some trailer trash community, because your behavior fits that rubric.  The piece de resistance  was when she shouted to them, "I'm White, and I'm hot!"   Hot????????   HOT????????????   Hey,  Susan have you taken a good look at yourself in the mirror?  Unless it is lying to you, like with the Wicked Queen in "Snow White."  Even she looked classier than you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, Susan Westwood is the undisputed winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!  No beauty, no class, NOTHING!  Bet you have a Confederate flag over your fireplace, you White Supremacist/Nationalist Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Take a community college (because you are not smart enough for any other!) course in Black Literature,  you rotten tramp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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