Sunday, November 18, 2018

Now, Really, What Song Could Be More Appropriate For This Birthday?????????????

                                  I play "The Lusty Month Of May," every May 1, but I will get only one chance to play "When I'm 64."  I cannot believe I--a baby boomer--have arrived at the age.   Where has the time gone?

                                   Of course, everyone waits for this age, until they can finally relate to The Beatles song.  Thank heaven, I still have hair!  And my facial creams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I wish all on here an exciting year, and for me an improvement over the last one, what with the passing of my father, and David friend, Bruce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But today is a day for celebration!  So, let's start with the song!


  1. Michael happy happy birthday and yes youre still here may ther be many more chorus lines in your future love ya norman and joe

  2. !!Happy Birthday!!❤️❤️❤️


  3. Norman and Joe,

    Thanks so much for the birthday wishes.
    64 and counting. I cannot believe it.


  4. Victoria,

    Thank you so much. Eventually,
    all will be reported on here.

    This year is a scary one, as it is
    the age at which my mother passed,
    40 years ago next year. I have
    always been aware of that.
