Friday, November 2, 2018

One Upper West Side Mystery Solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              When the story broke, last week, that Susan Trott had been murdered, I was certain it was someone she knew.  It was.  Her killer was Anya Johnston, who lived just one floor below Susan, with her mother, and had a history of mental illness.

                                A blood trail was found leading from both apartments, and some blood was found on a shoe of Anya's.

                                It seems Anya was trying to burglarize Trott's apartment.  The 70-year-old must have caught her in the act, and a confrontation ensued, resulting in Trott's death.

                                 But what I want to knows is--

                                  Why didn't Mama keep tighter wraps on her disturbed daughter????????????

                                    And how did said daughter gain entrance to Trott's apartment, in
                                        the first place?  Inquiring minds want to know!

                                 Still, the crux of the mystery is solved.  No serial killers, nothing connected to anyone else--just a deranged neighbor.

                                 Geez, even the Castevets were safer than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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