Monday, November 19, 2018

So, This Is How "Apocalypse" Ends! Not With A Bang, But A Whimper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Girls, I am telling you, when Angela Bassett appeared as Marie Levaux, I was waiting for her to blow all those mother fuckers, like Langdon and his crowd, straight to Hell.  She livened things up a bit, but then, with bathtub time travel, the return of all the witches, especially Misty, and the trendy interracial couple at the beginning, spawning another Satanic child, I found myself asking, what was all this for?

                                  Was it a dream, like "The Wizard Of Oz?"  Or a "Groundhog's Day" thing, destined to repeat itself, again and again??????????????

                                   Thank God for the "Coven" witches, who made things palatable.  Please give Kathy Bates a better and less annoying role, next season.
                                   I am telling you, I thought it was going to be a slug fest between Madison and Mallory, with one of them being the New Supreme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now, that might have been interesting.

                                   Please give the gifted Evan Peters more substance to act next season, too!

                                   As far as I am concerned, the witches and their Academy can stay around forever!  They rule!  And I want to go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Who knows what the next season will bring.  I can tell you, thanks to Brad Falchuk, it will inevitably bring Gwyneth, but, please, let it bring BLYTHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     "Apocalypse" still topped "Roanoke." But not by much.


  1. I was quite impressed that they managed to wrap up the story in just one episode: things were in such disarray the week before that most fans just assumed this would be the first AHS season that carried over into the following year.

    Unfortunately, Miz Murphy couldn't resist tacking on his usual, tired, cliche, WTF twist ending. God forbid any AHS season should just end with the surviving protagonists taking a breath after their ordeal: oh, no. Not in the Murphyverse, where no good deed goes unpunished for even five minutes. So OF COURSE the dull, charmless inter-racial kids we completely forgot about return at the end, meet cute, get married, and spawn a new, backup Anti-Christ.

    Surprise! Gotcha! NOT. Mary, please- the only surprise is Brad Falchuk hasn't used his straight common sense to smack some of the gay stupidity out of Murphy's self-contradicting scripts. In terms of the surface story and one level down in subtext, there is absolutely NO explanation for how these two dimwits would so easily and casually produce another Anti-Christ. The first one required an almost impossible combination of circumstances: misguided ghost in evil house impregnates human host. But apparently, after Mallory turned back time, all thats required to produce the anti-christ is miscegenation (I'll just let the ramifications of that sit unexplored).

    AHS fanatics have twisted themselves into pretzels to explain that stupid ending, using flimsy scraps of forgotten early-season story line. To wit, when the two kids were abducted to the bunker in the first episode, it was because the Illuminati wanted to preserve their special "perfect" DNA. Nine episodes and a deux ex machina later, we were suppoosed to magically infer that "perfect DNA" translates to Easy Bake Oven for a backup Anti-Christ. Ugh.

    Additional "ugh": the complete utter waste of Misty's return from the purgatory. If Lily Rabe was too friggin overbooked to enact an actual character arc, they shouldn't have bothered (as nuclear winter descends, we're supposed to believe she simply abandons the coven that just rescued her from hell for a globe-hopping platonic-lesbian vacation with Stevie Nicks??)

    Then we have the unresolved, disturbing fact that Mallory's time-traveling defeat of Michael means the witches never visited Murder House to release the long-suffering ghosts to their happy endings. Which means Moira's cathartic reunion with her mother in the afterlife never happens, and she's stuck arguing with a bitter Constance for eternity. Amazing how these details never cross Murphy's mind when he pulls this crap, yet within minutes of the finale the Moira Paradox was the number one topic of debate. Ah, well: I guess it makes some sort of perverse sense, since the Moira-related questions were the most hotly debated of season one.

    At least we got one more unexpected jolt of Jessica Lange, who was superb in her scorched-earth fury. And Jamie Brewer's Nan, using her ability transcend time and space to revel in her position as Papa Legba's right hand in the voodoo underworld (no matter what happens in the AHS multiverse). Nan may actually have gotten the most truly happy ending of any AHS character, in her own perverse way.


  2. This whole season just did not
    work for me. The actors were better
    than the material. Where can they go
    from here. Gwyneth? Blythe? I hope
    for the second.

    David and I were left cold at the ending.
    No fireworks, nothing having been done
    before. I am glad it is a wrap.
