Monday, November 19, 2018

When Will 'SVU' Get Its Act Together??????????????????????????

                                   After the death of his sister, the show's writers are so busy trying to make a character for Philip Winchester, as ADA Peter Stone, to fit into.  He is no impassioned Stephanie March, as Alex Cabot, with that hair, and those glasses.  All the writers can seem to cook up for him is his constantly talking about his past as a baseball player, which makes me think he should go back to it.  It is known he loves group sex, drinking, and has a hot body for it.  Too bad that body was not shown in this episode.  It might have livened thing up.

                                    Things start out promisingly, with a drunken Stone awakening in Finn's apartment.  The scene was convincingly played by both actors, and thank God Finn has the decency to have a coffee maker on premises.  I mean, otherwise I could not visit there!  No coffee!  No way, Jose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       A women came up to Peter, and accused him of raping her years before. She slaps him across the face.  Stone feels she is wrong but wants to know the truth.  Even if she is right.  Ever hear of letting sleeping dogs lie?

                                          Of course, he makes the mistake of telling Olivia, and she is all over this, like a dog with a bone, ready to defend Sarah, and throw her colleague under the bus.

                                            Now Sarah Kent, well played by Alexandra Breckinridge, has a husband, Gary, played by Kevin Kane, whom she has never told about this, and the reason is made clear.  He is one of these nuts who thinks, with this in her past, she is not the woman he married, is not pure, and dishonors his manhood,  Hey, asshole, you are dishonoring that manhood yourself!  You think a woman, or anyone else, asks to be sexually assaulted?  Or wants to???????????  Get a grip on your gonads, moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              The moron ups the episode to psycho extremes, when he marches into the bar, where Stone is, confronting him with a gun, and holding him hostage, sending the other patrons out, with Olivia and Company, plus his wife and daughter, waiting outside.  I swear I was hoping this guy would just kill himself in front of Stone, because while I would feel for the wife and daughter, it would have made more sense, in terms of this guy's sudden derangement.  But no, everyone lives, and things die down, until the paternity of Sarah's daughter becomes a question. Gary now thinks she is not his, so a DNA test is ordered.

                                                 What is next seems to come out of nowhere.  Stone's old baseball buddy, Reggie Gregg, played by Austin Peck, now runs the bar in question in New York.  In a scene I, at first could not believe, Olivia goes to Reggie, pleading with him to commit perjury to save Peter.
Now, Olivia has gone so bonkers over the years, I would not put this past her.  She bends the law to her own whim, then says how she is such a shining advocate,  Right!  She gets Reggie to admit he was in the room with Peter, that he raped Sarah, then set she and Peter up.  With no back up, Olivia, hero of the moment, rescues the muscular Reggie singlehandedly, who goes without resistance.

                                                     Oh, and the daughter IS Gary's kid!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Is this for real?  So, who cares about Peter anymore, as long as Olivia gets her man?  And in the final scene, by the water, it is Olivia, not Peter, who gets the last shot!  I was pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Please come up with a new story arc for Peter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      And stop making a heroine out of Olivia, whose best days are behind her!
Just look at this!  Such a downer!  Why end every show with THIS?????????????

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