Monday, December 31, 2018

Bitch (Or Should I Say Bitches?) Of The Year....Leslie Stifelman, Walter Bobbie, and David Hyslop!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Clearly, one of the year's most tragic events, especially in the theatrical community, was the suicide death of "Chicago:" understudy Jeff Loeffelholz.  Though a strain of it ran in his family, it was until the inhuman collision with him and the three bitches pictured above triggered him toward that tragic decision.

                            Who knew the theater could be as cruel as corporate America?

                              Well, look what happened--

                                Jeff is dead.  His family mourns for life.

                                Leslie has been deservedly booted from the show!  Broadway will never see her again, and good riddance!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Walter looks like the slum lord he is.  He'll never do another show, and he will never work with me, because I will intimidate him!!!!!!!!!!!!  As one bitch to another, darlings!!!!!!!!!

                                    Regarding David Hyslop--man, you must be ugly now, because this is some old picture.  I'd like to stage manage you right out the door, and I hope you get the boot you so rightfully deserve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Fuck all you bitches for what you did to Jeff!   Or would to anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I don't know about naming the Ambassador Theatre for Jeff!!!!!!!!!  Yes, the plaque, and scholarship, but it was still, after all, one role!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But these bitches are through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And deservedly so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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