Monday, December 3, 2018

Girls, "Santa Claws" Is Sure To Outdo "Mirace On 34th Street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Christmas Horror Image #3!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Just look at that cover, darlings!  It certainly offers something different. for those seeking a break from Holiday mawkishness.  It was made in 1996.

                                      I have never even heard of this movie, but I have GOT to see it.  It is full of twisted sex.  The title character, as a child, discovers his tramp mother in bed with some guy dressed like Santa Claus.  Hope the film had the wit to use Jimmy Boyd's "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" on the soundtrack, during this scene!  Probably not!

                                       Anyway, he grows up, of course, to hate women, and become obsessed with Santa Claus.  He develops an obsession with an erotic horror film star, named Raven Quinn--don't you just love it??????--and begins stalking her in his Santa Claus suit.

                                       Will Santa get his gift?  Or will pieces of Raven be strewn, under the Christmas tree?

                                         Find out for yourselves, darlings, and have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!

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