Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Let Us Not Forget What Christmas REALLY Is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                As the slogan used to go, "Christmas Is Christ's Birthday."  It still is, darlings, but, as our culture advances, it seems this idea gets tossed more and more to the wayside.

                                  This is when we celebrate the Miracle Of The Baby Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Now, let me tell you, the Baby Jesus was a miracle, and cute, but he managed to give his parents trouble.  When he hit puberty, he ran off to the learned men in the Temple.  I wonder how his parents handled that.  How could they ground him?  To paraphrase Andrew Lloyd Webber, there was no mass communication, back then.

                                    And wearing his hair long, like some kind of Nazarene hippie?  You don't see Joseph, with his hair long; but then, he is older.

                                     Mary was quite a party gal. It took Mary, at the Marriage Feast Of Cana, to realize what it took to get this party going was some good wine.   So, she had Jesus, who was no partygoer, create some.  Coming from Mary's direction, I bet it was high end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       So, remember that Christmas is a natal day, and really, the biggest birthday celebration of them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Happy Birthday, Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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