Wednesday, December 5, 2018

My Christmas Promise Of Including SOME Tradition--Let Us Start With "The Coventry Carol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  This is one song we don't hear enough at holiday time, girls, and when I did my Christmas Songs Theme in past years, I am not certain I even included it,  It is both beautiful and heartbreaking.

                                    It is English, dating from the 16th Century, and was performed in Coventry, England, as part of a mystery play, entitled "The Pageant Of The Shearmen And Tailors."  The play, and the song, have darker undertones, depicting the part of the Christmas story leading up to the Slaughter Of The Holy Innocents,  when Mary and others learned of Herod's plan to kill all male babies under the age of 2.  So, while a carol, it is also a lament and lullaby for the doomed children.

                                    The melody is gorgeous, but needs a voice to bring joy and heartbreak to this most poignant of pieces.  I cannot think of a more beautiful voice for this than Joan Baez.  Here is her rendition.  Enjoy it, and be moved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Happy Holidays, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thank you. Love that song, love her voice.
    “Sweet Little Jesus Boy” is just one of my favorites.


  2. You're welcome, Victoria.
    This carol gets so little air
    play, and Joan Baez, with her
    voice, really does and outstanding
