Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Tell Me, Girls, Just What The Hell Is Figgy Pudding?????????????????????????

                                  During the carol, "We Wish You A Merry Christmas," this desert is referenced, with the repeating phrase, "We won't go, until we get some."  I have never understood all the fuss!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Figgy pudding, to me, bears a strong resemblance to fruit cake.  As I recall the fruit cakes of my Christmas youth, not only did I not like them, I could not eat one, if I wanted to.
Picking one up felt like lifting a cinder block, as did cutting into a piece.  And biting into one was liable to cause tooth loss, being so hard!!!!!!!!

                                   But there was a fruit cake I sampled, at my local Brooklyn Market, that was as moist and yummy as anything I could have wished for.  I would go back and buy it in a second, and I very well may, today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Alas, I am not really culinary.  So someone, please explain, just what the hell is figgy pudding???????????????????

                                       Does anyone make it, anymore?????????????????

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