Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Time Is Slowly Closing In On Us, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I was so proud Janet Weinberg's obit made The New York Times.  Not just because of all her activist work, administration at GMHC, and crusading for the disabled, franchised, and the LGBQT communities, but because I knew her, in Highland Park, New Jersey, from junior high upward.

                                   Janet was always nice to me, and to everyone around her,  During my more emotionally difficult times at HPHS, Janet helped me get through them.  I was not surprised both of us ended up in New York, following our paths--Janet's of social service, mine of service to the performing arts community.

                                    She passed away, on September 1, but I did not know about it till Sunday, when talking to another classmate of mine, Lenise, who informed me.  I was saddened by the passing of one I had such good past and present memories of.

                                      Janet and I had several classes together throughout HPHS, and we were both in Miss Blume's Concert Choir.

                                        I cannot believe she is gone.  As long as I live, she never really will be. But Janet did more in the time she had, despite her own disabilities, than many who are more mobile.

                                          She refused to let Life stop her.  Which is, I think, her message, and legacy.

                                           Rest In Peace, Janet.  You will be missed, but thought of, often.

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