Monday, December 3, 2018

Will Tim Burton's Live Version Of "Dumbo," Feature The Song, "When I See An Elephant Fly????????????"

                                 Don't get me started on "Dumbo."  Seeing him cute and happy, flying through the air in cartoons, is a delight, but the 1941 film, though colorfully brilliant and stunningly animated, is a child's trauma center.  Dumbo is bullied from birth by just about everyone in the circus he is at, and when it comes time to for Mrs. Jumbo to cuddle him and sing, "Baby Of Mine," the tears flow on  cue.  Then, when Mrs. Jumbo is treated cruelly and taken away, leaving Dumbo motherless and alone, a child's worst fears are realized.

                                     Yes, all works out, and the film ends happily.  I saw "Dumbo" first on the "World Of Disney," then, as an adult, because I wanted to see it on screen.  That was it for me.  The film traumatized me as much as a child.  I may be in my Sixties, but I am more in touch with my childhood than most.

                                       I would advise everyone, parents, especially, to approach "Dumbo" with caution.  Especially regarding bringing children.

                                        The real question for me is, will it retain my favorite song.  This is when the black crows do the jazz riff, "When  I See An Elephant Fly!!!!!!!!!!"  I LOVE it!  But I can see it today being labeled racist and eliminated.  It would be a mistake.  The song is actually the most sophisticated one in the score, and how many films today offer sophistication, for children, or adults?????????  All too few!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The live "Dumbo" opens in March. If the song is out, we will know by then.  And I will have something to say about it.

                                             As I do about a live action version of "Pinocchio" being planned.  Come on!!!!!!!!!  Tom Hanks as Gepetto? He is no Gepettto?  And how about Cleo, The Goldfish, Monstro The Whale, and Pleasure Island?  It will cost a bundle to recreate all that live!  And the original film is perfect, so why bother?????????????????

                                               Remember the original, as it was.

                                               Just as best to remember Dumbo, flying and happy, like this--

Here is the song from the Disney original.  It is too good NOT to be included in the live action remake!   Just listen for yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And it is NOT racist!!!!!!!!!!!

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